Roadlines 1 (2000) Lamda print on 1mm Forex, cut-out. 240cm x 70cm

Sitelines 1 & 2 (2003) Lines of Disposition. Lines of Site, Archipel, Apeldoorn. Inkjet on vinyl, cut out, mounted on wall. Approx. 8m x 2.35m. Photo: Hans Wilschut.

Sitelines 3 (2003) Inkjet on vinyl. Cut out. 400cm x 210cm.


The road is frequently a metaphor for forward movement, progression, signifying human control over time and space. In Roadlines (2000) and Sitelines (2003), the planes between and around the markings and mends on the road have been meticulously cut away. This arrests the infinite movement of the road leaving its lines suspended and drawing the viewer’s gaze to places where something had once been. The directional lines of the painted road markings are the signs of the road’s function, while the wavering black lines of tar used to mend the cracks signify its fragmentation, its failure.